The Press Conference for the second edition of the Genova Global Goals Award event will take place on Monday 6 March at 11:00 in the Gardens of Palazzo Tursi

The second edition of the event will be presented on Monday 6 March Genova Global Goals Award, inspired by the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals, to demonstrate our city’s commitment to becoming increasingly smart, green and sustainable.
This year the initiative, which will be held on 18 April, will involve not only companies but also schools, from elementary to high school, who will compete in the presentation of imagined (Dream) and/or already implemented (Reality) projects. The prize, also in this edition, will be aimed at the regeneration of a common good or a space within the participating schools. It is possible to submit your projects until March 15th.
During the press conference, the “GO KIDS” board game designed for kindergarten children will also be presented, to help them understand, from an early age, the importance of taking care of our planet and its inhabitants.
The press conference will be attended, among others, by the Councilors Marta Brusoni, Francesca Corso and Matteo Campora: the Municipality of Genoa does not hold back and is ready to be an active part in this process of change to leave future generations a more sustainable and inclusive.