The Open Innovation event will be held on Monday 20 November at the Palazzo della Borsa

On Monday, November 20th, from 09:00 to 13:00, the Start4Up event will take place at the Palazzo della Borsa in Genoa. This Open Innovation initiative is promoted by the StartUp Association of Confcommercio Genova, Giovani Confcommercio Genova, and the Genova Smart City Association, with the support of the Chamber of Commerce, Talent Garden Genova, and Banco Bpm.
This is the first local initiative entirely dedicated to the theme: a meeting point between large companies expressing business needs and startups proposing innovative solutions to meet those needs. The event has a dual purpose of promoting Ligurian startups and SMEs and attracting them from outside to enrich the entrepreneurial fabric of the region. The aim of Start4Up is not just to deliver awards but to create lasting collaborations between startups and large enterprises.
The journey has just begun: startup applications for various business needs will open on December 1st, while the collection of companies’ needs will continue until the end of the year. The evaluation of the proposed solutions is scheduled for the early months of 2024, with the winners expected to be announced between April and May. The winners will secure a collaboration with the company for which they have addressed the identified need.
For the program and registrations: