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  Genova Smart City  

The AGSC Association pursues the following aims: 
1. Build a project to make Genoa a smart city, from a European point of view
2. Identify actions, projects, initiatives that may contribute to this end, having as objective: 


Genoa Smart City Goals.png

Life quality 

working to improve the quality of life

Economical progress
employment growth goes hand in hand with the development of local businesses


protection, requalification and environmental sustainability are designed in reference to the guidelines of European and international policies on the matter and to the objectives described by the Pact of the Mayors

Research and Hi-Tech

support of research and the promotion of a strong collaboration between research, innovation and business


Local Leadership

promote the sharing and pursuit of the association's objectives by companies and other economic and institutional subjects;

Integrated planning

participation in European calls for tenders in collaboration with the associates 

Sustainable economic development, based on research, innovation, technology and led by local leadership with an integrated planning approach

Our Mission


Building a project to make Genoa a smart city and improve the quality of life of the people who live there


Promote collaboration between research, innovation, technology and business, with an integrated planning approach

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